And be a part of making a positive difference in Carroll County, MD!
- Attend virtual meetings with local leaders addressing the current issues and providing guidance on how to get involved.
- Members are also emailed meeting recordings to watch later if unable to attend the live meeting.
- Special events and fundraisers with Republican women of all ages
Email Updates:
- Stay up-to-date on community events, member activities, and club accomplishments.
Member only meet-ups:
- Join us for several member meet-ups each year. It is so important to remember that we are all volunteers. It is very important to RWCC leadership to find ways to make our “work” fun and enjoyable. Several times a year we will gather for fellowship and conversation simply to enjoy company with like – minded friends and share ideas!
- Annual leadership conference sponsored by the Maryland Federation of Republican Women (MFRW).
Membership Dues are collected yearly in January
Checks can be made out to Republican Women of Carroll County and mailed to:
1700 Hanover Pike Hampstead, MD 21074
- Full voting member – $45 per year.
- Associate member (non-voting)- members of other MFRW organizations and men – $20 per year
- Students memberships (non-voting) available for $15 per year
RWCC members are also members of these organizations